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13 And in the prophets of Samaria I saw fondness, and they prophesied in Baal, and deceived my people Israel. (And I saw Samaria’s prophets to be foolish, for they prophesied in Baal’s name, and deceived my people Israel.)

14 And in the prophets of Jerusalem I saw, (in) likeness, adultery, and the way of leasing; and they comforted the hands of the worst men, that each man should not convert from his malice; all they be made as Sodom to me, and all the dwellers thereof be made as Gomorrah. (And in the lives of the prophets of Jerusalem, I saw adultery, and the way of lies; and they strengthened the hands of the worst people, so that no one would not turn away from their own malice; yea, they all be made like Sodom to me, and all its inhabitants be made like Gomorrah.)

15 Therefore the Lord of hosts saith these things to the prophets, Lo! I shall feed them with wormwood, and I shall give drink to them with gall; for why defouling is gone out of the prophets of Jerusalem on all the land. (And so the Lord of hosts saith these things to the prophets, Lo! I shall feed them with wormwood, and I shall give them gall to drink; for defiling hath gone out from the prophets of Jerusalem upon all the land.)

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